In Loving Memory of Our Esteemed Group Founder Dr. James Wong Sai-Wing
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Dr. James Wong Sai-Wing, Founding Chairman of the Chinney Group, on February 16, 2025. He passed peacefully surrounded by his family, at the age of 86.
Dr. Wong was born in Shanghai and raised in Hong Kong. He studied at the Pui Ching Middle School where he placed first in the Hong Kong Chinese School Certificate Examination in 1957. After a short time at the Hong Kong Baptist College, he left Hong Kong to pursue further studies at Baylor University in the United States. He earned a BSc in Physics and Mathematics from Baylor University and was presented with the University’s Distinguished Achievement Award in 2012. He went on to earn a PhD in Mathematics from the California Institute of Technology, where he was among the first Hong Kong PhD graduates. He was also awarded that University’s highest honor of Distinguished Alumni Award in 2014.
Upon the passing of his father and on the encouragement of his father-in-law Mr. Cha Chi Ming, Dr. Wong gave up his academic tenure to return to Hong Kong in 1974 to manage the family businesses.
He took on the dual role of Managing Director of the Cha family’s China Dyeing Works Limited plus the Chairman of the Chinney Construction Group. Dr. Wong led the Cha Textiles Group for two decades, including taking several companies public, before resigning to run the Chinney Group full-time at the end of the 1980’s. The Chinney Group initially focused on real estate, building construction, and building maintenance. In 1980s, the group expanded into the garment industry, with factories in China, the Philippines, and Indonesia. In 1985, it acquired Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited to grow the property investment business. At the same time, the group further extended its operations into foundation works, piling, drilling, electrical and mechanical building services, implementing a comprehensive strategy of ‘one-stop’ vertically integrated construction services. In the 1990s, the group expanded into the mainland real estate market, actively positioning itself in first-tier cities. By the millennium, it officially developed its hotel and serviced apartment businesses.
With outstanding management skills and a forward-looking vision, Dr. Wong has led the group to greater heights. The Chinney Group has four companies listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited: Chinney Investments, Limited (0216.HK), Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (0160.HK), Chinney Alliance Group Limited (0385.HK) and Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited (1556.HK). The Group employs over 2,300 staff members across Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Macau. With a strong footing in Hong Kong for over half a century, Dr Wong expanded the Chinney Group’s investment portfolio to manage assets over HKD 26 billion.
In addition to his business acumen, Dr. Wong has also achieved remarkable success in academia, publishing over 100 papers and editing several mathematical journals. As early as 1980, he was appointed as an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong and had served as an Honorary Professor since 2004, actively promoting academic research and exchange. He has also served the University as a Member of Council and the Committee Review Committee and has been a Member of the Finance Committee. For his contributions, he was awarded the Honorary University Fellow in 2013.
Dr. Wong’s research specialized in differential equations, qualitative and oscillatory theory, and functional analysis. His research and contributions to the academic community have far-reaching impacts on the mathematical community. He was appointed the Honorary Editor of the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications in 2012. And he served as a Trustee of the Fields Foundation in Canada.
Dr. Wong personified the business philosophy of “Truth, Fairness, and Freedom.” These core values not only reflected his personal beliefs but also serve as the cornerstone of the Chinney Group culture.
Dr. Wong actively participated in various public services, dedicated to promoting and enhancing the development and progress of Hong Kong. He has served as a Member of the Labour Advisory Board, the Textile Advisory Board where he represented Hong Kong in the WTO’s Multifiber Arrangement, the Council for Academic Accreditation, and the Research Grants Council, as well as being a Council Member of the Hong Kong Baptist University, and the former Open University of Hong Kong (now known as Hong Kong Metropolitan University). In 1987, Dr. Wong was appointed a Justice of the Peace for his exceptional performance in public service, highlighting his profound impact and selfless dedication to Hong Kong.
The Chinney Group will continue to honor Dr. Wong’s legacy: striving for excellence; be pragmatic and progressive: and forging ahead to make greater contributions to our society. We extend our deepest condolences to Dr. Wong’s family during this difficult time.
The Chinney Group
Chinney Investments, Limited
Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited
Chinney Alliance Group Limited
Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited
In Mourning
建業集團沉痛宣告,集團創辦人王世榮博士於2025年 2 月 16 日在家人的陪伴下安然辭世,享壽 86 歲。
回港後,王博士肩負起查氏家族的中國染廠有限公司董事總經理,同時也擔任建業集團主席。王博士管理了查氏紡織集團將近二十年,包括將幾家旗下的公司上市。到了八十年代末,王博士才辭去查氏紡織集團的職位,專心打理建業集團的業務。建業集團最初主要從事房地產、建築維修業務;至八十年代,業務擴展至製衣業務,遍佈中國內地,菲律賓和印尼;1985 年收購漢國置業有限公司,投資物業,與此同時,建業集團並進一步拓展至地基、打樁、鑽探、機電工程等領域,落實建築服務「一條龍」策略。九十年代,集團放眼內地房地產市場,積極佈局國內一線城市;與千禧年代,酒店及服務式公寓業務正式起動。
王博士憑藉卓越的管理能力和前瞻眼光,帶領集團業務更上一層樓。目前建業集團旗下有四間公司現於香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市,分別為建業實業有限公司(股份代號216)、漢國置業有限公司( 股份代號160)、建聯集團有限公司(股份代號385),以及建業建榮控股有限公司(股份代號1556),在中國內地、香港、澳門及日本多地共有約2,300 餘名員工,投資和管理資產高達港幣260多億元。
王博士的研究專精於多個數學領域,包括微分方程、定性與振盪原理及功能分析等,有關研究對數學界深遠影響。在 2012 年,他更獲邀擔任《數學分析與應用期刊》的榮譽編輯。王博士也擔任加拿大菲爾茲基金會的受託人。