關於建業集團 About Chinney Group
建業發展(集團)有限公司(「建業集團」、「本集團」或「建業」)源自1975 年在香港註冊的建業建築有限公司, 起初專注經營建築業務,經過多年發展、收購及重組等,目前本集團業務多元化,包括建築地基、物業發展、物業投資及管理、貿易及航空系統工程等範疇。建業集團旗下有四間公司現於香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市, 分別為漢國置業有限公司( 股份代號160)、建業實業有限公司(股份代號216)、建聯集團有限公司(股份代號385),以及建業建榮控股有限公司(股份代號1556),在中國內地、香港及澳門三地共有約2,300 餘名員工。
建業集團紮根香港半世紀,並已在大中華地區、亞洲、美國及加拿大擴展其港幣260 多億元的投資組合,透過旗艦項目提供高於市場的回報,成功拓展至國際市場,尤其是北美和亞洲,在住宅、投資物業、辦公大樓及酒店、數據中心等領域進行戰略投資。未來,建業集團將繼續積極把握不同市場的商機,尋找更多新機遇,投資增值,譜寫下一個輝煌五十年。
Chinney Holdings Limited (“Chinney Group”, “the Group” or “Chinney”) has its origin from Chinney Construction Company, Limited which was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1975. It started its operations in the construction sector. Over the years, the Group has diversified its business to cover areas such as foundation construction, property development, property investment and management, trading and aviation system engineering through development, acquisitions, and group restructuring. Chinney Group has four companies that are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited:
- Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (0160.HK)
- Chinney Investments, Limited (0216.HK)
- Chinney Alliance Group Limited (0385.HK)
- Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited (1556.HK)
The Group employs approximately 2,300 staff members across Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.
With a strong foundation in Hong Kong for over half a century, Chinney Group has expanded its investment portfolio to over HKD 26 billion across Greater China, Asia, the United States and Canada. The Group aims to generate returns that outperform the market through flagship projects that have successfully ventured into international markets, particularly in North America and Asia, with strategic investments in residential properties, investment properties, office buildings, hotels, and data centres. Looking ahead, Chinney Group plans to actively seize market opportunities, seek new investment growth areas, and continue to create the next chapter of success for the coming 50 years.
Organisation Chart